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The Speech

Should he go or shouldn't he go? Jews in Israel and in the USA are in the midst of a bitter debate whether Prime Minister Netanyahu should address Congress or not…

Good or Evil?

In Judaism, a person isn’t just ‘good’ if they don’t murder or steal; one must actively do good. But that’s not all. The Jewish definition of ‘good’ is doing G-d’s will...

The Call to Lips

Our soldiers are the best of the best. They use the most advanced weaponry. But there’s one essential element in our war arsenal that, if missing, means certain defeat... 

Don’t Be Sad

Learn the lesson of Yosef and his brothers. A person cannot live a happy life when he is constantly jealous of others. Don't allow this negative emotion to entrap you in a state of depression! Rather, live a happy life that is void of hatred and jealousy.

Shidduchim Project

Don’t miss out on this opportunity: Until 15-Av, the Kalever Rebbe will daven specifically for whoever tries to make a shidduch -to merit brachot, goodness, and salvations in all matters.

How to Not be Korach

How could a leading stage of the generation be so wrong? He knew Torah inside out and was able to convince 250 sages of the Sanhedrin to rebel against Moshe. What happened, and how can we avoid making the same fatal mistake? 

Whose Candid Camera?

We Jews are ruled by our King, whose eyes are always upon us. His constant gaze ensures that we maintain healthy and beneficial behavior toward others. When we fail, Hashem’s gaze ensures that we do teshuvah for our wrongdoings.